It's that time of year when my birthday is rapidly approaching. Whilst others are caught up in early Christmas shopping and planning their Christmas dinner seating arrangements I, Well I demand that I get to have my birthday first.
So you may wonder, what age will the gorgeous and witty MrsWahooPooh be this year? 37 if you really wish to know. And you may also be wondering, where is this post leading............
Here's the deal. The older you get, at least the older I get, I find that I'm less inclined to look for the pile of pressies and birthday cards that I would expect each December the 1st when I was younger. Instead, and since whoever made the decision to hijack my particular birthday for World Aids Day, I find myself wondering what can I do to raise some dosh for a worthy national day and cause.
My original thoughts, ( and after much consoltation with Michael Craig), included a twitter pj party that maybe some celebs could send in a signed pair of pj's to auction off. I messaged Chris Moyles, believeing him to be quite flamboyant and out there and got no response. So I then thought..whats the point noone like me is going to pull this off. And then I though of Mandy and Paul and Wendy. 3 lovely folks to follow that arent doing half bad at the raising money for charity thing. Oh! and if you can get Simon Bishop (AKA Bish but I think only Kate is allowed to call him that :D) in a generous frame of mind, well he has to be the singularly most generous sponsor on twitter I have ever seen.
So here is the plan. On the 1st of December everyone will be invited to attend an online twitter pj party. Twitpics and twitvids of everyone in their fave pj's will be most welcome, oxofamilydad, keep it clean :D
I will do my absolute best to get twitter personalities like Mrs Stephen Fry and Raymondstar, DirtyHans and Cristal, and a few more earthly celebs that use twitter to autograph a packet of condoms. If I can pull this off, ( fingers crossed), all you would have to do is make any donation you like to be enetered into a draw to win one of them. If I can't, well I'm sure we can all still come along and have a laugh and a little fun :D
All funds raised will be donated to the Terrence Higgins Trust. You can have a gander about their website at http://www.tht.org.uk/ to understand why this is such a worthy cause.
That leaves me to head off and let the Trust know my plans, contact some celebs and encourage everyone who reads this to give feedback, ideas and no doubt the odd hilarious comment.
Please do join in
Lynne xxxxx
I'm sure it won't be trivial to get celebs involved but, then again, I was just reading "Connected." In 3 degrees of your real life friends, you probably have some celebs! I'd shake down your network -- it's for a worthy cause. Are you looking for celebs of any nationality?
Also, if you make the PJs/lingerie a respectable or even downright fashionable brand, it will probably get more notice than just saying "PJs." After all, they've put a lot of work into their branding -- might as well stand on their shoulders!
Thanks for the kudos, and I do hope all your recent tribulations have tribbed off into the sunset...
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