Thursday, 11 June 2009

Introducing.................Collective Soul

Ok Boys! Wrists out please for a deserved chastisement. When looking at this >> I notice there is a distinct lack of Scottish dates. Care to explain why?

I mean, if it wasn't for twitter and a tweet I read that someone twitted, who shall remain namelesss beacause I can't remember who it was, I would never have had the opportunity to listen to your music on youtube. Or follow you on twitter here

And that was my first introduction to you. There I was sitting at the pc desk, headphones on thinking 'WOW! How have I never heard of these chaps before?' And the guy with the long hair? Phwoar! No One could accuse these musicians of being musically or lyrically challenged.

So I decided to have a wee geekie ( thats scots for having a look) at the competition. Before I knew it I was engrossed in the world of Collective Soul right here >>>

I was impressed. You actually do what other celebs don't. Connect with the very people that lsiten to your music and pay your wages. That's honourable.

Am I going to listen to you some more? Damn right! Am I going to blip you? You better believe it. Am I going to demand you get a Scottish gig organised? Demand no. Ask politely? Yes ;) Take a Jaunt onto itunes and download some stuff mmmmmmmm how fabulous is it the whole accessability and versatility of the internet and how successfully you use it to reach out and be real.

You're Phenomenal

Pooh x